A Garden of Creatures

A Garden Of Creatures

We stumbled upon 'A Garden of Creatures' because of its title, which happens to be similar to our Creature Garden app. Despite the coincidence, we were delighted to discover this beautiful and unusual meditation on life and death. Death is a subject that many kids think about and worry about, and it can be difficult for parents to broach. Children often ask questions with shocking frankness. I remember being asked, 'When will you die?' by my youngest when they were just 3 or 4 years old, followed by, 'I think [our neighbor who had recently passed] died because she was too lonely.'

In 'A Garden of Creatures,' the story follows a bunny who has lost a cat friend and finds solace in the memory of their friendship. The writer, Sheila Heti, is known for her novels for adults, and the illustrator, Esmé Shapiro, is known for her exuberant and unencumbered art. Together, they have produced a book that can provide a springboard for thoughtful reflection for children.