Old Lars
An old man and his horse set out for a day of collecting wood.
My father always enjoyed creating voices for characters in books and Old Lars was one of our favorites. To my father, this old man—the star of the book—had a slow jolly drawl while speaking to his horse, Blakken, chopping and collecting firewood. My siblings and I always giggled along as Lars followed his own completely nonsensical work-ethic and seemingly simple outlook on life.
Old Lars was a frequent request in my household because it was a reminder that sometimes life didn’t need to move so fast. As a kid, it was easy to get caught up in hobbies, get lost in the set schedule of school, and always feel a fast-paced competitiveness. Old Lars serves as a lesson that it’s ok to let go, have fun, and not worry about the end result of a day’s work. It’s okay to take on your own slow, jolly drawl.
Paging through Erica Magnus’ beautiful illustrations will have you longing to join Lars on his snowy mountain day. Although Old Lars appears to be out of print, many copies are still available online. It makes for a timeless addition to any child’s library.