The Brain Geek


Dive into the neuro-mysteries of the brain.

Whether you consider yourself a science nerd or not, you have to admit that the brain is pretty darn cool. Written by a neuroscience professor to help explain the weirdness of the brain to kids and adults alike, “The Brain Geek” is a fantastic resource to help explain some of the questions about what exactly is going on in our heads. The author breaks down carsickness, jet lag, colorblindness, and the homunculus so that anyone can understand these neuro-mysteries. Think neuroscience sounds boring? Read the posts on Phineas Gage and synesthesia, and then get back to me. If you’ve ever wondered how caffeine affects spiders, or why you sometimes sneeze in the sun, or why it’s impossible to tickle yourself—you just might be a Brain Geek.

This video, posted in an entry on selective attention, is one of my favorite neuroscience tricks. I don’t want to give anything away, but I remember it blew my mind in Psych 101.