Vintage Children’s Books My Kid Loves


Discover the best vintage children's books.

In our house, picture books are revered by adults and children alike. Our childrens’ hunger for books is insatiable and has become stronger as they’ve grown older. Luckily, it has never been easier to inexpensively build a library of great kids books. Between Powell’s, The Strand, Amazon, and ebay finding used copies of vintage kids books has become absurdly simple.

My favorite source for discovering old kids' books is Vintage Children’s Books My Kid Loves, authored by Texas editor Burgin Streetman. She shares her discoveries with love, obvious enthusiasm, and deep knowledge. Her blog not only summarizes great vintage books but also includes interviews with children’s book authors—like this one with Carson Ellis—where she investigates the roots of her inspiration. In addition to being a good read and resource, Streetman’s posts are always illustrated with multiple scans of often out-of-print books, so the site is also a visual delight. We’ve discovered many of our childrens’ favorite titles here and continue to look forward to each new post.